Cruise ship returns to Port Everglades early after hundreds of passengers fall ill

Caribbean Princess dealing with sick passengers, crew members for second time this month

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – A cruise ship's journey was cut short after several passengers and crew members became ill.

The Caribbean Princess docked in Port Everglades early Saturday morning.

It's the second consecutive sailing on that ship in which passengers and crew fell sick.

This time, Caribbean Princess reported at least 228 passengers and 17 crew members suffering from a stomach bug during its 14-day voyage, which was shortened by a day due to the outbreak.

Passengers leaving the ship told Local 10 News they, and crew alike, began taking precautionary measures after what they were told was an outbreak of Norovirus.

"In the buffet area, the crew members were serving us," passenger Lovena Fox said. "They wouldn't let us touch the food."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent a vessel sanitation program investigation team to intensely clean the ship and try to get to the bottom of what caused the outbreak.

The first incident aboard the Caribbean Princess saw over 400 people become sick.

The ship is expected to set sail on Sunday with a new group of passengers on board.

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