Video shows domestic dog turned van into chewing toy in Hialeah

Doberman Pinscher without rabies vaccine terrifies neighbors

HIALEAH, Fla. – Surveillance video shows how a domestic dog recently turned a neighbor’s van into a chewing toy in Hialeah.

Delia Barrero said she looked out the window when she heard some noise, and she saw a Doberman Pinscher damaging the van. She called her husband, Ramiro Barrero, and he said he had seen the neighbor’s dog before roaming the neighborhood at night.

“He picked up the bumper and some other parts,” Ramiro Barrero said.

The Barrero family worried about the danger their grandson could face if the dog decided to attack him.

Miami-Dade County Animal Services investigated the incident and fined the dog owner because the dog didn’t have a rabies vaccine and because the dog managed to escape. The Barrero family wants the dog owner to pay for the property damage.

For more information about the incident, contact animal services at or call 305-468-5900.

About the Author

Christian De La Rosa joined Local 10 News in April 2017 after spending time as a reporter and anchor in Atlanta, San Diego, Orlando and Panama City Beach.

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