Local McDonald's new McDress-code: Pull up your pants!

Restaurants got permission from McDonald's before putting up the signs

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HOUSTON – "Pull your pants up or don't come in. Try to have some decency and respect for others.  No one wants to see your underwear."

That's what the sign says on the front door of some locally-owned McDonald's restaurants in Houston, TX.

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Cameras quickly caught lots of droopy drawers near the restaurant and at least one customer wore them inside the business. 

One man in Midtown said, "I think it's necessary, honestly.  I think it's indecent exposure.  They have the right to serve any customer they want there.  Just their business on their own.  They have the right to serve any customer they choose." 

Another woman said, "Nobody wants to see your undergarment.  That's what I think.  Honestly, my thing is, they're not wrong." 

At least one man said it's personal choice.  He said, "I guess having your pants too low is in bad taste,but it's a matter of choice. If you want to wear your pants that way, so be it."

The individual restaurants got permission from McDonald's before putting up the signs.


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