FHP troopers target these speedway 'hot spots' in South Florida

Top three places drivers have been clocked at 100 mph or more

BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. – Florida Highway Patrol troopers are laser-focused on catching speeders. It's not unusual for them to clock drivers going 100 mph and more.

"It is very common, especially in Miami-Dade County. People fly 40 to 50 mph over the speed limit," Trooper Nick Lasso-Silva said. "The highest speed I have pulled over is 135 mph in a 55."

Local 10 News wanted to know which South Florida roadways are turned into speedways the most.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, from January 2017 to September 2018, 80 drivers have been ticketed on the Gratigny Expressway, from Lejeune Road to Red Road, going 100 mph or more.
Hit the Florida Turnpike and that number more than doubles.

On the Turnpike, from Griffin Road to Sunrise Boulevard,  210 drivers have been busted flying at 100 mph or more.

And the top spot? It's I-75 north, approaching Alligator Alley, from U.S. 27 east, where 221 drivers were caught doing 100 mph or more.

"It is a surprising number. Anything that is over 100 mph falls into a different statute," Florida Highway patrol Lt. Alex Camacho said. 

The Florida Highway Patrol has more eyes in these areas.

"We have analysts that just collect data and put it together continuously to determine where these hot spots are," Camacho said. 

"We see 100 mile an hour tickets on a consistent basis." said attorney Ted Hollander, of The Ticket Clinic.

Hollander says once someone is busted doing 30 mph or more over the speed limit, it's mandatory court.

"They don't have the option anymore of paying the ticket or electing to go to school. They have to go to court or hire a lawyer to go to court for them," Hollander said.

Get busted doing 50 mph over the speed limit, and it's a mandatory $1000 fine as well.

"You look at possible license suspensions, you look at possible jail time," Camacho said. 

On the Palmetto Expressway, from Tropical Park  down to Kendall Drive, the speed limit is 55 mph.

Troopers have written 338 tickets to drivers going 30 mph over that posted speed.

On State Road 836, west of the Miami International Airport, from the Palmetto to the Turnpike Extension, 312 people have been busted for driving 85 mph or more.

Lasso-Silva said speeders are often surprised when they are placed in cuffs for putting our lives in danger.

"When we get speeders like that they are normally recklessly changing lanes in and out of traffic without signaling, following too close, plus going 50 miles over the speed limit. That's a reckless driving charge," Lasso-Silva said. 

According to the American Automobile Association,  speed is just as significant a factor in traffic fatalities as alcohol.

About the Author
Jeff Weinsier headshot

Jeff Weinsier joined Local 10 News in September 1994. He is currently an investigative reporter for Local 10. He is also responsible for the very popular Dirty Dining segments.


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