Bridge stalemate leads to suit between Miami Lakes, Hialeah

Long standing feud over unopened bridges continues

The Miami Lakes Town Council has filled legal action against Miami-Dade County after officials witnessed unpermitted bridge construction by the City of Hialeah.

MIAMI-DADE, Fla. – The Miami Lakes Town Council has filled legal action against Miami-Dade County after officials witnessed unpermitted bridge construction by the City of Hialeah.

According to a suit filed by Miami Lakes Town Attorney Raul Gastesi, Miami Lakes officials witnessed Lennar Corporation construction workers, working on behalf of the City of Hialeah, start unpermitted demolition on a portion of Northwest 170th Street where a taxpayer funded bridge sits unused and unfinished. The bridge, along with another bridge at 154th Street, have never been opened because of a long-running feud.

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The City of Hialeah argues that the overpasses would offer a shortcut around I-75 and open up congestion from recent subdivision expansion. The Town of Miami Lakes fears that the new flow of traffic will bring congestion to its residents.

The Town of Miami Lakes became its own municipality in 2000. Citing a 2003 transfer agreement between the town and Miami-Dade County, Miami Lakes feels it retains authority over its roads. Miami-Dade cites the same agreement, believing it retains certain authority over road matters, specifically "road closures." This is an important distinction as, since the roads have never officially opened, the agreement and Miami Lakes' interpretation, does not encompass "road openings." 

A traffic study conducted by Miami-Dade County found no threat of increased congestion for Miami Lakes.

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