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Numerous candidates challenge Debbie Wasserman Schultz for District 23 seat

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BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. – Florida's 23rd Congressional District is solidly Democratic and represented by longtime U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She's being challenged by perennial Republican candidate and security expert Joe Kaufman, as well as by former primary opponent Tim Canova, who is a law professor.

Canova is now running as an Independent.

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Wasserman Schultz said she is campaigning on her experience.

"I'm going to continue to do that. Talk about my record, my service on the [House] Appropriations Committee as a senior member, my fight as a leader for funding for our veterans," she said.

Canova told Local 10 News he thinks he has a chance to appeal to Independents and undecided voters.

"We've got the issues on our side -- Wassermann Schultz doesn't," Canova said. "Let's take a look at who the real Democrat is. I'm a new deal Democrat."

Republican Joe Kaufman, in his third run at this seat, thinks this is his time to shine.

"I think the economy is doing very well, and I think most people care about their pockets and their pocket books and their wallets. And I think that's what's going to drive people to vote, and so, I don't believe in this blue wave," he said.

Another Independent also in the race is Don Endriss.

Below are websites where you can learn more information about each candidate:


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About the Author
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Janine Stanwood joined Local 10 News in February 2004 as an assignment editor. She is now a general assignment reporter. Before moving to South Florida from her Washington home, Janine was the senior legislative correspondent for a United States senator on Capitol Hill.


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