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Boil-water order impacts isles in Fort Lauderdale

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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Authorities warned Saturday that boil-water order remains in effect for some water front neighboorhods in Broward County's city of Fort Lauderdale. 

The order applies to most of the homes off East Las Olas Boulevard facing New River canals in the Las Olas Isles and the Hendrick and Venice Isle's neighborhoods.

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It covers most of the Las Olas Isles neighborhood, except for the homes on Isle of Palms Drive. It also covers the Hendrick and Venice Isle neighborhood, except for N. Gordon Road and Victoria Terrace.

The order also applies to homes near the Hendrick and Venice Isle neighborhood on Isle of Venice Drive, Fiesta Way and Nurmi Drive. It also impacts residents west of the Las Olas Isles neighborhood on Mola Avenue, Isle of Capri Drive and Bontona Avenue.

Chaz Adams, a spokesman for the city, said workers completed the repairs to a 16-inch water main at Las Olas Boulevard and Bontona Avenue and the water service has been restored. 

Adams also said the water testing has continued, and it will be conducted again in two more days. Residents should have an update on the order on Monday.  

For more information about the order, call the city's 24-hour call center at 954-828-8000.

Here is w h a t t o do :

F ill a pot with wat e r .

He a t the wat er u n til bubbles c ome f r om the bot t om of the po t to the top .

On c e the wat er r eaches a r olling boi l , let it boil f or 1 minu t e .

T u r n off the he a t sou r c e and let the wat er c oo l .

P our the wat er i nt o a clean c o n tainer with a c ov er f or s t o r ag e .

I f tap wa t er is cloud y

F il t er wat er using clean cloth.

U se unscented bleach  (bleach th a t does not h av e an added s c e n t).

A dd 1/4 t easpoon of unscented household liquid bleach t o 1 gallon (16 cups) of wat e r .

M ix w ell and w ait 30 minu t es or mo r e be f o r e d r in k in g .

St o r e disin f e c t ed wat er in clean c o n tainer with a c ov e r .

To sanitize containers

U se unscented bleach (bleach th a t does not h av e an added s c e n t).

Make a sanitizing solution by mixing 1 t easpoon of unscented household liquid bleach in 1 qua r t (32 oun c e s , 4 cup s , or about 1 li t er) of wat e r .

P our this sanitizing solution i nt o a clean s t o r age c o n tainer and shake w el l , ma k ing su r e th a t the solution c o a ts the e n ti r e inside of the c o n taine r .

L et the clean storage container sit a t least 30 se c ond s , and then pour the solution out of the container.

Let empty container air dry or rinse it with clean water that has already been made safe, if available. Never mix bleach with ammonia or other cleaners. Open windows and doors to get fresh air when you use bleach.

W a t er fil t ers

B oil tap wat er e v en if it is fil t e r e d . Most kitchen and other household w at er fil t ers typically do not r em ov e ba c t e r ia or viruse s .

Pr eparing and c o o k ing f oo d

W ash all fruits and v egetable s with boiled water that has cooled or bottled water .

B r ing wat er t o a r olling boil f or 1 minu t e be f o r e adding f oo d to cook .

U se boiled wat er when p r epa r ing d r ink s , such as c of f e e , t ea, and lemonade

Wash food preparation surfaces with boiled water.

F eeding babies and using f ormula

B r east f eeding is bes t . C o n tinue t o b r east f ee d . I f b r east f eeding is not an option:

U se r ead y - t o -use baby f o r mula, if possibl e .

P r epa r e p ow de r ed or c on c e n t rat ed baby f o r mula with bottled wat e r . U se boiled wat er if y ou do not h av e bottled wat e r . Disin f e c t wat er f or baby f o r mula if y ou cannot boil y our wat er (see ab ov e f or di r e c tions on h o w t o use bleach t o disin f e c t wat er).

W ash and s t e r ili z e bottles and nipples be f o r e us e .

I f y ou cannot s t e r ili z e bottle s , t r y t o use singl e -se r v e , r ead y - t o - f eed bottle s .

I ce

D o not use i c e f r om i c e t r a y s , i c e dispenser s , or i c e maker s .

T h ro w out all i c e made with tap wat e r .

M ake new i c e with boiled or bottled wat e r .

W ashing dishes

Household dis h w ashers generally a r e sa f e t o use if the wat er r eaches a final rinse t empe ra tu r e of a t least 150 de g r ees or if the dis h w asher has a sanitizing c y cl e .

T o w ash dishes b y hand

W ash and r inse the dishes as y ou no r mally w ould using hot wat e r .

I n a sepa rat e basin, add 1 t easpoon of uns c e nt ed household liquid bleach f or each gallon of w a r m wat e r .

S oak the r insed dishes in the wat er f or a t least one minu t e .

L et the dishes air d r y c omple t el y .

Bathing and showering

Be careful not to swallow any water when bathing or showering.

Use caution when bathing babies and young children. Consider giving them a sponge bath to reduce the chance of them swallowing water.

Brushing teeth
Brush teeth with boiled or bottled water. Do not use untreated tap water.

P ets

P ets can get some of the same diseases as peopl e . I t is a good idea t o g i v e them boiled wat e r that has been cooled .

Source: Centers for Disease Control




About the Author
Andrea Torres headshot

The Emmy Award-winning journalist joined the Local 10 News team in 2013. She wrote for the Miami Herald for more than 9 years and won a Green Eyeshade Award.


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