Teen struck by police car, stunned with Taser in Hollywood, family says

Teen's mother files complaint with Internal Affairs

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – A South Florida family is outraged, saying Hollywood police went way too far while arresting a 15-year-old boy.

"When he hit my bike, I fell sideways. So my bike went sideways because my whole wheel just got destroyed," the teen, Jaydon Stubbs, told Local 10 News. 

Stubbs said he was arrested last Wednesday by police while he and a few friends were heading to Hollywood Beach to cruise along the broadwalk.

An arrest affidavit stated that officers spotted Stubbs and four of his friends near the Publix in Young Circle, an area where police said there has been a string of recent burglaries.

An officer said she saw the teens doing wheelies in the road and ignoring traffic laws, so she tried to pull them over but they took off and split up.

Stubbs' mother, Ramona Miller, said that while she doesn't condone her son's actions, she doesn't necessarily blame him either.

"(With) what's going on in the world today with these young black boys and the cops, you can't blame the children for being afraid of the police," she said.

Stubbs said that, as officers chased the boys, he ended up by himself, riding down an alley.

"I was coming from this way. I was riding my bike. As soon as I got right here, the police car sped up and it hit my back tire and I fell sideways," Stubbs said. 

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A photo of his bicycle shows it has significant damage to the rear end. Stubbs said that when the police car hit his bike, he felt he had to keep running.

"If he hit me with his truck, Lord knows what else he would do," Stubbs said. 

Eventually, officers caught up with him. Stubbs said that's when things escalated again.

"Three or four other police officers came and jumped on my back, put their knees on my back and, as one of the cops is putting me in handcuffs, another cop ran up and tasered me in my upper shoulder," Stubbs said. 

The police report Stubbs' mother was given, and the one Local 10 News has seen, does not say why police felt it was necessary to stun Stubbs with a Taser.

In fact, it doesn't give any details about his actual arrest, other than that he had to be taken to a hospital because he was stunned with a Taser.

Local 10 News has requested the supplemental report that contain's the officer's perspective on the arrest, but Hollywood police on Monday said that report was still under review. 

Stubbs' mother has filed a complaint with the Hollywood Police Department's Internal Affairs Unit, citing excessive use of force.


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