DANIA BEACH, Fla. – Grampa's Bakery and Restaurant is a very popular place that has been opened in Dania Beach for 60 years.
But last week, a state inspector ordered the kitchen shut after a roach issue was found. The inspection indicates the roach issue is a repeat violation.
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There was also mold in the ice machine, the report stated.
Kiko's Japanese & Thai in The Fountains in Plantation and Sea Grill in the Intracoastal Mall in North Miami Beach were both ordered shut as well after roach issues were found.
State records show inspectors have been back to Kiko's to re-inspect several times, but violations still exist.
Meanwhile, rodent issues were found at Kisses from Italy in Wyndham Sea Gardens Hotel in Pompano Beach.
Below is a list of places that were ordered shut and some of their violations.
As of this post, Kiko's has not been allowed to re-open. All the other places have been allowed to re-open following an ordered cleanup and then a re-inspection.
***Grampa's Bakery and Restaurant
17 SW First St.
Dania Beach
Inspection based on complaint
Ordered shut May 24
22 violations found
"Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. 1) 1 live at white shelves under front counter. 2) 1 live at walk in cooler door. 3) 1 live at ware washing storage area. Cleaned areas."
"Dead roaches on premises. 1. 70 dead at front counter of bakery. 2. 1 dead under phone at front counter. 3) 30 fresh dead under soda fountain at front counter. 4) 1 dead at wait station. 5) 1 dead at bottom shelf of prep table. 6) 1 dead at bottom shelf storage area in bakery. All areas cleaned. **Repeat Violation**."
"Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. Butter cups 51F in glass door cooler overnight at front counter. **Repeat Violation**."
"Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine. Wait station."
***Kiss From Italy/Wyndham Sea Gardens
615 N. Ocean Blvd.
Pompano Beach
Ordered shut May 21
7 violations found
"Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Approximately 8 to 9 dry rodent dropping observed under 3 compartment sink area."
"Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed approximately 14 to 16 live roaches behind true glass door reach in cooler. Live roaches are on floor beside and behind cooler under racks stored on floor. 2 live observed under front counter shelf."
"Dead roaches on premises. 4 dead roaches behind true freezer. 2 dead roaches observed on bottom shelf inside glass 2 door true reach in cooler. Food is stored in reach in cooler. 2 dead roaches under 3 compartment sink. 1 dead roach under trash can."
"Build-up of food debris, dust or dirt on nonfood-contact surface. Shelves above grill area. On top of coffee maker and grinder. On pipes at hand wash sink."
"Accumulation of food debris/grease on food-contact surface. Sandwich press, microwave and slicer sharpener cover/assembly. **Repeat Violation**."
***Kiko's Japanese & Thai Restaurant
801 S. University Drive (The Fountains)
Inspection based on complaint
Ordered shut May 21
15 violations found
Inspectors were back May 22, May 23, May 24, May 25, May 29 and violations still existed.
Also ordered shut May 26, 2016
"Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed 6 live roaches at sushi bar area. Roaches were in gaskets of cooler, behind cooler and crawling on make table."
"Stop Sale issued due to food not being in a wholesome, sound condition. Observed 300 lbs of ice in ice machine touching interior walls soiled with black mold like substance."
"Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. left side flip top; overnight 1lb tuna (45-46°F - Cold Holding); 1/4 lb overnight roe (45-46°F - Cold Holding); 1 lb overnight krab(45-47°F - Cold Holding); 1/2 lbcream cheese (49-50°F)."
"Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine. **Repeat Violation**."
"Build-up of mold-like substance on nonfood-contact surface. Observed wall and curtain in walk in cooler soiled with mold like substance."
"From initial inspection: High Priority - Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed 6 live roaches at sushi bar area. Roaches were in gaskets of cooler, behind cooler and crawling on make table **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2018-05-22: Observed 10 live roaches. 1 live on server station behind sushi bar. 4 live on wall behind coolers of sushi bar. 1 live in glue trap at sushi bar. 1 live by compressor of reach in cooler at sushi bar. 1 live roach on floor at cook line . 1 live at expo window floor. 1 live at front bar live roaches killed by operator. **Admin Complaint** - From follow-up inspection 2018-05-23: Observed 4 live roaches. 1 by front door, 1 in cabinet at front door, 1 in planter by bar, 1 in glue trap at bar. Roaches were killed and discarded by operator **Admin Complaint** - From follow-up inspection 2018-05-24: Observed 2 live roaches at sushi bar cooler gasket, 1 live at server cooler gasket. 5 live in basket where sealed bags of tea were stored at beverage station by expo window. Live roaches killed by operator. **Admin Complaint** - From follow-up inspection 2018-05-25: Observed 2 live roaches on floor along wall in cook line behind fryers, 1 live roach on ice machine door in kitchen, 1 live roach on floor in front of ice machine near bag in box juices, and 3 live roaches on walls in dry storage room behind alcoholic beverages, the rear exit door and the entrance door to this room. There were also dead roaches. One dead roach observed on plastic bag contains juice at dispenser in kitchen near ice machine, 1 dead roach on table in dining area near front door, and 3 dead roaches on floor near ice machine. Operator removed roaches and was instructed to clean and sanitize areas. **Time Extended** **Time Extended** **Corrective Action Taken** - From follow-up inspection 2018-05-29: Observed 4 live in back room where beer and liquor bottles stored crawling on wall. Observed 1 live on kitchen wall, 1 live under prep table. Operator killed and discarded roaches Observed 2 dead by dishwashing machine. Operator discarded dead roaches."
***ABC Chinese Restaurant
1919 W. Hillsboro Blvd.
Deerfield Beach
Inspection based on complaint
Ordered shut May 23
17 violations found
Also ordered shut July 22, 2015
"Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. 6 live under hot holding unit on cook line."
"Dead roaches on premises. 1 dead on side of reach in cooler on cook line, 1 dead under prep table on cook line 1 dead near walk in cooler 1 dead in dry storage area 1 dead under server station."
"Food placed in soiled container/equipment. Fried rice noodles ready to eat stored prep shelf on cook line. Observe shelf with buildup grease and observe grease in container. See stop sale."
"Stop Sale issued due to adulteration of food product. 1 lb fried rice noodles read to eat stored under prep shelf on cook line. Observe grease buildup on shelf and observe grease in food container."
"Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. reach in cooler in front of woks: top part of cooler (); 1 lb. cooked chicken (45-48F - Cold Holding); 1 lb. cooked beef (44-45F - Cold Holding); 1 lb. cooked shrimp (45°F - Cold Holding); .5 lb. cooked eggs (46F - Cold Holding); 1 lb cooked pork (52F - Cold Holding); 2 lbs. cooked pasta (54F - Cold Holding); 1 lbs. cooked broccoli (49F - Cold Holding); 1lb can corn (49F - Cold Holding) ambient of top part of unit 55F. Per manager was left overnight in unit. See stop sale."
"Interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue on cook line. Soiled reach-in cooler gaskets in cooler in cook line. Food debris, grease, soil residue on exterior of reach-in cooler on cook line."
"Interior of oven has heavy accumulation of black substance/grease/food debris."
"Equipment and utensils not washed, rinsed and sanitized in the correct order in three-compartment sink. Do not use dishes/equipment not properly sanitized. Observe cook wash knife and cutting board washed in three compartment sink and put away. Cook did not use sanitizer. Reviewed with manager three steps of three compartment sink."
***Sea Grill
Intracoastal Mall
3913 NE 163rd St.
North Miami Beach
Inspection based on complaint
Ordered shut May 23
31 violations found
"Roach activity present as evidenced by approximately 10 live roaches found in the back prep area along the wall."
"Approximately 3 Dead roaches along the wall of the kitchen area."
"Food stored in ice used for drinks. See stop sale. Bottle of wine by the bar area **Repeat Violation**."