Florida couple receives marijuana in Amazon order

ORLANDO, Fla. – A Florida couple has learned that you can now officially order anything from Amazon.

When opening an Amazon package at their Orlando home, the couple was shocked to find 65 pounds of marijuana inside.

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WFTV reports the couple ordered plastic garbage totes from the online retailer. The totes came, but with the pot inside.

"They were extremely heavy, heavier than you would think from ordering four empty bins,” the customer told the station.

The weed package weighed over 93 pounds and had been shipped from a facility in Massachusetts.

Police confiscated the drugs to begin their investigation.

The couple then became afraid, fearing the "rightful" owner of the marijuana would break into their home to get their hands on the goods.

For their troubles, the couple received a $150 Amazon gift card, while the company plans on helping the investigation.

“Our customer service team worked directly with the customer to address concerns and will work with law enforcement to investigate the case, as needed.” said an Amazon spokesperson.



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