Father of U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson demands answers about son's death

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. – The biological father of U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson told Local 10 News on Monday that he has doubts about his son's deaths and he wants answers about what really happened overseas.

"First of all, I don't even know if he was buried, to be honest with you. That's the way I feel as the father, because me, or the wife or the family haven't seen the body yet," Terrence McGriff said. "How can I sleep at night not knowing if my son is living or dead?"

Johnson was laid to rest over the weekend at the Hollywood Memorial Gardens cemetery.

The 25-year-old and three other U.S. soldiers lost their lives Oct. 4 during an ambush in Niger.

The soldiers were killed during a mission that was considered low risk, according to a senior intelligence official.

Officials said the soldiers did not use armored vehicles or have a drone overhead during the mission, factors that are raising questions about what really happened in Niger.

"The comment I heard Trump made about my son, it was crazy to me. It was real crazy." he said. "I mean, I felt some type of way, but his comment and  how people taking it is not going to solve the problem over what I got going on now. There is a bigger issue of where my son is." 

 Rather than dwelling  on Trump's remarks, McGriff is focusing on getting answers while remembering the short life-lived life of his first born. 

"We had a nice relationship, despite people trying to make like it was a bad one." he said. "We had a beautiful realtionship that nobody can take away from me."


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