Alligator makes surprise appearance at Pembroke Pines school

Gator tries to bite school golf cart

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. – The phrase "See you later, alligator" had new meaning when parents dropped off their children at a Pembroke Pines school Thursday morning.

Parents, students and teachers were shocked to find an alligator strolling through school grounds at Somerset Academy during morning drop-off.

The 4- to 5-foot alligator was walking through the drop-off line and moving in the wrong direction (which is a violation of school rules) when it was first spotted.

When school officials attempted to approach the gator, it became aggressive and tried to bite the golf cart they were riding.

Since the school is completely fenced, no one seems to know how the alligator made its way into the school, but workers are now looking for any holes that may exist along the perimeter.

A trapper was eventually able to wrangle the alligator and take him away from the school.



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