62 violations found at popular Tropical Chinese Restaurant

Live roaches, debris found in kitchen

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MIAMI – Records show a whopping 62 violations were recently found inside the popular Tropical Chinese restaurant on Bird Road.

A state inspector found roach issues, food out of temperature and an accumulation of dust and food debris in the kitchen.

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The violations were found during a routine, unannounced state inspection.

An inspector also discovered problems in the kitchen at the Sense Beach House.

The Sense is an 18-room boutique hotel in South Beach. State records show the kitchen was ordered shut because of a rodent issue.

Rodent issues were also discovered at a Burger King on U.S. 441, just north of Miami Gardens Drive.

Below is a list of places and some of their specific violations. All the places mentioned were allowed to reopen following an ordered clean up and re-inspection.

***Tropical Chinese Restaurant

7991 Bird Road


Ordered shut Dec. 19

62 violations found

"Roach activity present as evidenced by 20 plus live roaches found in a box storing glass teacups in the dry storage next to dumpling prep table."

"Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. Prep area: Garlic in oil (77°F - Cold Holding); Cut lettuce (74°F - Cold Holding); Eggs (44°F - Cold Holding) Reach in cooler: Cut tomatoes (60°F - Cold Holding); Pork (57°F - Cold Holding);Cooked beef (64°F - Cold Holding) Walk in cooler: Beef (47°F - Cold Holding); Poultry (48°F - Cold Holding); Pork (48°F - Cold Holding); duck (47°F - Cold Holding); sauce (48°F - Cold Holding); tofu (48°F - Cold Holding); noodles (48°F - Cold Holding); lobster (46°F - Cold Holding); shrimp wanton (46°F - Cold Holding) Kitchen: raw ducks (80°F - Cold Holding)."

"Raw animal food stored over cooked food. Raw pork ribs over cooked ducks inside walking cooler."

"Raw animal food not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Raw ducks stored on hanging rack next to cooked ducks in kitchen touching each other."

"Employee handled soiled dishes or utensils and then handled clean dishes or utensils without washing hands. dishwasher was going from dirty to clean."

"Employee touched bare body part and then engaged in food preparation, handled clean equipment or utensils, or touched unwrapped single-service items without washing hands. Observed employee touch face and then continued to handle food items."

"Employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands - food was not being heated as a sole ingredient to 145 degrees F or immediately added to other ingredients to be cooked/heated to the minimum required temperature to allow bare hand contact. Establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. Employee touched cooked beef with hands to verify temperature."

"Accumulation of debris inside ware washing machine."

"Accumulation of debris on exterior of ware washing machine."

Click here to see the full list of violations.

***The Sense Beach House

400 Ocean Drive

Miami Beach

Ordered shut Dec. 19

11 violations found

"Rodent activity present as evidenced by approximately five fresh rodent droppings found on top of the dish machine. **Repeat Violation**"

"Outer openings not protected during operation and vermin and/or environmental cross contamination present. Found Kitchen Door held open while working. Five Fresh Rodent droppings found on top of the dishwasher machine. Hotel trash storage area right next to the back kitchen door . **Repeat Violation**"

"Dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength. Discontinue use of dish machine for sanitizing and set up manual sanitization until dish machine is repaired and sanitizing properly. 0 ppm when tested.

Click here to see the full list of violations.

***Burger King

18750 NW Second Ave.


Ordered shut Dec. 21

Inspection based on complaint

17 violations found

"Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Approximately 15 hard/ dry dropping in dry storage by CO2 tank near kitchen area."

"Displayed food not properly protected from contamination. Milkshake, coffee and mixed beverages are not adequately protected from contamination due to ceiling removal during operations and food preparation along front counter."

"Accumulation of dust/debris on exposed studs/joists/rafters. In dining room and main kitchen/prep areas."

"Exposed studs/joists/rafters present in food preparation or ware washing area. Ceiling removed and exposed in main kitchen and prep areas."

"Ceiling tile missing. Ceiling has been removed and roof has been exposed throughout dining room and main kitchen prep areas."

"Food stored in a location that is exposed to splash/dust. Construction under way including ceiling replacement in the main food prep area over the Ready to eat foods unit. (Cut lettuce, sliced tomatoes, cheeses, dressing. Exposed uncovered)."

"Unnecessary persons in the food preparation, food storage, or ware washing area. Construction workers active in main kitchen/prep areas during operations."

Click here to see the full list of violations.

Burger King released the following statement after the temporary closure:

"Food quality and safety is a top priority and we have rigorous operational standards and procedures in place. The franchisee, who independently owns and operates this restaurant, is working with local health inspectors to ensure all requirements are met during the renovations which are currently taking place in the restaurant."


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