ORLANDO, Fla. – An attorney hired by Casey Anthony in her murder trial, Jose Baez, admitted that he knew that Anthony had killed her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, a private investigator hired by Baez said in court documents.
According to an affidavit obtained by ABC Action News, Dominic Casey said Baez told him that Anthony buried her daughter's body after she killed her and that he "needed all the help he could get to find the body before somebody else did."
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"Shortly after being retained for the defense, I met Casey Anthony at the jail," Casey said in the affidavit. "There was no doubt that she had psychological issues. What they were had yet to be professionally diagnosed. Jose Baez refused to have her evaluated by a psychological professional."
Casey said Anthony later wanted to implicate the man who found her daughter's body, Roy Kronk, in the death by saying that he kidnapped her.
"I told her I would not do that because we both know he had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance, but she was insistent that he be implicated or blamed in some way," Casey said.
Anthony was acquitted in the death of her daughter in 2011.
The affidavit became public record as part of Anthony's bankruptcy case.