Commissioner proposes plan to bring Uber back to Broward County

Ride-sharing service stopped July 31 in Broward County

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – It's been a week since the ride sharing service Uber was kicked to the curb, a move many in Broward County didn't agree with, but one commissioner said he has a plan to bring Uber back.

"The people in Broward County (who) have contacted my office want Uber," Commissioner Mark Bogen said.

Bogen explained that when it comes to Uber, he's received an overwhelming response from the community, urging the county to bring Uber back -- something he also supports.

"I think they're a good company," Bogen said. "I think the more business we can bring to the county, the more jobs we can create, the better it is for Broward County."

The ride-sharing service stopped July 31 in Broward County. It was the county's strict regulations -- like required commercial insurance, county inspections and fingerprinted background checks -- that forced the company out.

Bogen thinks that loosening up those restrictions could be enough of a compromise to convince his fellow commissioners to bring Uber back.

"My proposal is to give Uber the opportunity to do background checks on their own drivers using a company that the county recommends," Bogen said.

Bogen is set to present the plan to fellow commissioners next Tuesday.

"Hopefully, the regulations I'm proposing will have safety for the public as well as be lenient enough to let companies operate like Uber," Bogen said.

It will take at least five votes in favor of the proposal to move it forward. If it passes, Uber could be back in service in Broward County in less than a week.

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