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U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson to run for Senate

Grayson joins U.S. Reps. Patrick Murphy, Ron DeSantis in race for Sen. Marco Rubio's seat

Rep. Alan Grayson told Local 10 News Thursday morning he is running for Senate.

PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., is running for the Senate seat that will be vacated by Sen. Marco Rubio, Grayson told Local 10 News on Thursday morning. 

"There are certain things that need to be accomplished, and I'm going to go ahead and try to accomplish them," Grayson said. 

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Grayson, 57, outlined various platforms for his campaign, including looking out for senior citizens, requiring paid sick leave and promoting universal health care. He said he is the only one running for the seat who is focusing on those issues. 

"Seniors deserve a raise," he said. "The cost-of-living increases they receive under Social Security have not kept up with their cost of living and we need to make up for that."

When it comes to Cuba, Grayson said he does not see enough effort being made to hold the communist nation accountable. 

"Everybody wants an end to dictatorship in Cuba and a true, vibrant democracy and liberty for the people who live in Cuba," Grayson said.

He said that while it is clear the sanctions in place over the last few decades are not working, he does not believe appeasement is the answer.  

"We have to find the middle ground that actually holds the Cuban regime accountable to make progress toward liberty," Grayson said.

Grayson's announcement came two days after a St. Lucie County Democratic Party chairwoman filed a complaint demanding an ethics investigation into the Orlando-area representative. Celeste Bush accused Grayson of failing to disclose details of three hedge funds. 

Grayson said no ethics complaints had ever been filed against him -- until two days before his announcement. 

"I think people can connect those dots," Grayson said.

Grayson serves as the U.S. representative for Florida's 9th Congressional District, which includes eastern Orlando, Kissimmee and St. Cloud. 

U.S. Reps. Patrick Murphy and Ron DeSantis are also running. Murphy, a Democrat, serves Florida's 18th District. DeSantis, a Republican, serves the 6th District. 

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