Rodent activity found at Romano's Macaroni Grill in Boca Raton

'Insects, rodents other pests' found at restaurant

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BOCA RATON, Fla. – State records show 48 violations were found in a Boca Raton Romano's Macaroni Grill last week.

State inspectors were at the restaurant after a complaint was filed with the state. Records show rodent droppings were found in a dishwashing area and on table tops in the dining room.

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Below is a list of restaurants and some of their violations. All of the places mentioned were allowed to re-open following ordered clean ups and re-inspections.

***Latchman's Seafood Market & Grill

117 N. State Road 7


Ordered shut July 1

9 violations

"Roach activity present as evidenced by 8 live roaches found crawling on floor in front service area, 3 crawling by fryers in kitchen, 3 by water heater by stove in kitchen, 2 between wall and hose from water heater, 2 under prep table in kitchen, 6 plus in closet with air conditioner in kitchen, 1 crawling on wall by refrigerator, 5 crawling from under reach in cooler by door to front service area, 1 crawling on wall in front service area."

"Observed 2 dead roaches on premises embedded in frame and door of microwave oven, 1 dead in unused refrigerator in hallway by unisex restroom."

"Interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue, by door to front service area."

***Romano's Macaroni Grill

204 NW Executive Center

Boca Raton

Ordered shut July 2 based on complaint

48 violations found

"Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Observed approximately 15 fresh and 5 dry rodent droppings in rear prep/ dishwashing area and 3 fresh and 2 dry rodent droppings on table tops in dining room area."

"Presence of insects, rodents, or other pests. Ants in rear prep area by slicer and flour bin and in frontline area by dessert storage cooler."

"Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. Cooked potatoes cooling overnight between 47° F and 50° F at walk-in cooler. Food discarded."

"Small flying insects in dishwashing area."

"Certified Food Manager or person in charge lacks knowledge of food borne illnesses and symptoms of illness that would prevent an employee from working with food, clean equipment and utensils, and single-service items. Reviewed employee health policy requirements and Big Five."

"Employee failed to wash hands before changing gloves and/or putting on gloves to work with food."

"Objectionable odor in establishment. Throughout , smell of standing water under tiles."

"Old food stuck to clean dishware/utensils. On storage containers in rear prep area.. Storage containers sent to dishwashing area to be washed again."

***RC Caribbean Restaurant

3760 NE Third Ave.

Pompano Beach

Ordered shut June 29

30 violations found

"Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Observed approximately 200 dry and 45 fresh rodent droppings under steam table #1 at cook line, 28 dry rodent droppings under steam table#2 at cook line, 100 dry and 21 fresh rodent droppings under steam table #3 at cook line, 7 dry rodent droppings by water heater, 4 dry rodent droppings by cart in cook line , 23 dry and 2 fresh rodent droppings under prep table at cook line, 5 dry rodent droppings on utensil storage shelving at cook line , 29 dry rodent droppings on chemical storage shelving at cook line, 25 dry rodent droppings behind chest freezer by walk-in cooler, 2 dry rodent droppings in men's restroom and 65 dry and 6 fresh rodent droppings in dry storage room."

"Rodent burrow or rodent nesting materials present. Under steam table at cook line across from upright cooler."

"Raw animal foods not properly separated from one another based upon minimum required cooking temperature in reach-in cooler. Raw burgers over raw fish at glass door cooler near 3 compartment sink."

"Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooked beef at 50° F in cook line cooler at ambient temperature of 49° F. Cut cabbage mix in prepackaged containers at 77° F under no temperature control in front counter area. Moved to cooler."

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