FBI records on shooting that killed Benjamin Grogan, Jerry Dove

President Barack Obama names new federal building after fallen agents

MIAMI ā€“ The FBI keeps the records of the April 11, 1986 shooting that killed the two Special Agents that a federal building in Miramar is named after.

Click on the links to download and read:

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PART 1: Shooting incident report

PART 2: Newspaper reports on the fatal shooting

PART 3: More news reports on the fatal shooting

PART 4: More news reports on theĀ  fatal shooting

PART 5: Sequential order of events on the fatal shooting

PART 6: Copies of photos of the scene

PART 7: Narrative of reports on fatal shooting

PART 8: Evidence reports on fatal shooting

PART 9: More detailed reports on fatal shooting

PART 10: Information on the suspects

PART 11: Information on the crimes the suspects were believed to have committed

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