Woman dies after witnesses lift car off her

57-year-old Betty Madison dies at Jackson Memorial Hospital

MIAMI – A woman who was run over by a car and had it lifted off her by witnesses died Wednesday.

The crash happened at Northwest 79th Street and 2nd Avenue about 9:30 a.m. Wednesday.

Betty Madison ran into the street and was hit by the car, say fire officials, although the driver tried avoiding her.

"She jumped in front of the car," said Marcus Ameneiro. "It wasn't his fault. He wasn't on the phone. I mean, this guy was on his way to work."

"She kind of like ran out into traffic and he tried slamming on his brakes but he ended up hitting her," added Laura Loomer, who called 911 after the crash.

About ten men then got on each side of the car and lifted it off her.

"It was pretty surreal seeing all these people lifting the car," said Loomer, who added that the driver was one of them.

"He was being very responsible," she said. "He waited at the scene and he was speaking with police. He felt very sad about it."

Paramedics rushed Madison, 57, to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where she died.

It's unclear why she ran into the street.

"As you can imagine, we're going to be sad," said her niece, Chante. "Her kids are going to be sad. We're thanking God for life. She was a very good person."

Madison's sister-in-law, Valicia Madison, said the driver called the hospital and asked how she was.

"To know that he didn't do it, you know, from what I understand, on purpose and he did stop to help -- that means a lot," she said.


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