
Is Miami Beach restaurant overcharging?

Customers complain about $330 lunch for 2

MIAMI BEACH – A $330 meal at a South Beach hotspot has made two women believe the restaurant is intentionally overcharging its customers.

"We want everyone to know this place was a ripoff," said Miriam Perez. "We were scammed."

Perez and a friend told Local 10's Ross Palombo they went to La Baguette at 1052 Ocean Drive for lunch on Saturday, Jan. 26. The pair said they saw that most items on the menu were priced at around $20. Then, at the suggestion of the waitress, they ordered the special.

"Did you ever ask how much the special was?" Palombo asked.

"No, we didn't. But based on the other items, you wouldn't think it would be in the triple digits," said Perez.

When the bill finally came, the special alone was $210, the drinks were $50, and the included tip was $47.

"Oh my God. Look at this bill. How are we going to pay for it?" Perez said.

Even the manager at La Baguette questioned the bill.

"$210 for the special?" Palombo asked.

"Here? No," said the manager who would not give his name.

"You don't think that's odd that your prices are $53 and below, but all of the sudden, one special is $210?" Palombo asked.

"No," he said.

Others have taken to a review web site to complain about similar issues. On Yelp, one person posted a warning of "Don't do it!" because of the prices.  Another called it "trickery."

Late Wednesday, though, the owner came forward and said they would make amends.

"Yes, they did not disclose the price as it should have been," said Anselmo Hernandez. "We took immediate action today."

The two women were given half of their money back and said they will return to the restaurant this Friday for another meal at a discount.

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