Jimmy Johnson's Key Largo Restaurant Ordered Shut

KEY LARGO, Fla. – Local 10 has learned that on Oct. 5, Jimmy Johnson's Key Largo restaurant was ordered shut by inspectors with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

A total of 30 violations were noted by the inspector. The restaurant was re-inspected and was allowed to reopen.

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Jimmy Johnson's Big Chill Restaurant and Grill at Fisherman's Cove 104000 Overseas Highway Key Largo 21 CRITICAL VIOLATIONS 9 NON CRITICAL VIOLATIONS

Violations found on Oct. 5: "Critical. Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit.chiken Corrected On Site." "Critical. Observed raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. raw oyster over veggies." "Critical. Observed food stored in ice used for drinks. bottles." "Critical. Observed rodent activity as evidenced by 30 plus dry rodent droppings found all around kitchen areas, dry storage rooms, on the floors, on shelving used for bag in a box storage, on racks used for can storage." "Critical. Observed roach activity as evidenced by 15 plus live roaches found inside reaching cooler gasket located in cookline inside kitchen." "Observed wall soiled with accumulated black debris in dishwashing area." "Observed wall soiled with accumulated food debris." "Critical. Observed interior of microwave soiled." "Critical. Observed buildup of slime in the interior of ice machine." "Critical. Observed buildup of soiled material on mixer head" "Critical. Observed employee eating while preparing food."


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