‘Your mother has roaches!’ Restaurant owner who lashed out at Local 10 ordered shut again

“Your mother has roaches!”

State records show Esposito’s New York & Coal Fired Pizza, located at 2221 S. University Drive in Davie, was ordered shut AGAIN last week by a state inspector.

Back in January, Owner Joe Lay went on a verbal tirade and lashed out at Local 10 News Investigator Jeff Weinsier when Esposito’s was ordered shut for a roach and fly issue back then.

Last week, an inspector was back and noted 12 violations.

Records show there was a roach and fly issue again, plus cleanliness, hand-washing and food out-of-temperature issues, as well.

“Go f-ck yourself,” Lay said as Weinsier tried to ask about the violations back in January. “You are a piece of sh-t” Lay added.

On Facebook, on the “Let’s Eat, South Florida” homepage, Lay lashed out at Weinsier for being “sensational.”

“As for Jeff Weinsier, is his job supposedly to protect the public through his dirty dining segment, or is it to invoke reactions and get viewers? In some cases it may protect the public, and in other cases it can wrongly destroy an honest hard-working individuals entire life and business, including his long time full time employees,” the post read.

Additionally Lay said, “We have made adjustments, and this will never happen again as it has never happened in the past 20 years.”

Well, it has.

All the other places mentioned below were allowed to re-open following an ordered cleanup and re-inspection.







“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed 2 live roaches crawling on wall by dry storage area with sealed canned goods.”

“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed approximately 10-20 live flies in dry storage isolated in corner next to back door flying around sealed canned goods Operator is removing all products from area and cleaning, shelves and walls.”

“Cooked/heated time/temperature control for safety food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within 6 hours. Observed cooked sausage from 3/26 prepared from 4pm and has not been removed from walk-in cooler per operator (47F); cooked meatballs made from 3/26 at 5pm and has not been removed from walk in cooler per operator (46 F).”

“Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit based upon minimum required cooking temperature. Observed raw lobster not packaged stored in same container as opened fries, beef in standing reach in freezer. Inspector advised operator discard products due to allergen reasons.”

“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Cooked/heated time/temperature control for safety food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within 6 hours. Observed cooked sausage from 3/26 prepared from 4pm and has not been removed from walk-in cooler per operator (47F); cooked meatballs made from 3/26 at 5pm and has not been removed from walk in cooler per operator (46 F).”

“Food-contact surface can opener blade in kitchen area soda nozzles at front counter soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime.”

“Hand wash sink used for purposes other than hand-washing at bar area used as a dump sink. Operator cleaned and sanitized hand washing sink.”

“Employee drinking from an unenclosed beverage container in a food preparation/clean dish water area and the container does not have a dispensing mechanism to prevent hand contact with lip contact area of drink container at bar area. Operator removed and discarded beverage.”







“Stop Sale issued due to food not being in a wholesome, sound condition. Observed 1 live fly land on raw pork at cook line.”

“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed 3 live roaches crawling underneath preparation table at cook line, 3 live roaches crawling on top of dish machine, 2 live roaches crawling on floor underneath food storage shelf located near 3 compartment sink, 1 live roach on counter at ware washing area.”

“Dead roaches on premises. Observed 3 dead roaches underneath dish machine, 2 dead roaches underneath food storage shelf near 3 compartment sink, 2 dead roaches underneath food storage shelf at storage area, 2 dead roaches behind ice machine.”

“Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed Cooked beef (60F - Cold Holding); Raw pork (63F Cold Holding); Pooled eggs (68F - Cold Holding); Bean sprouts (45F - Cold Holding) As per operator, 1 hour. Small cooler at preparation table: Wonton (46F - Cold Holding); Cooked pork (43F - Cold Holding). As per operator 1 hour.”

“Bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food. Observed bowls with no handle stored inside sugar, potato starch container sat dry storage. Observed metal bowl with no handle stored inside container of cooked pork at walk-in cooler.”

“Food stored on floor. Observed containers of oil, water bottles, and vinegar stored on floor near 3 compartment sink and cook line. Observed plastic containers of sauce stored on floor of walk-in cooler.”

“Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Observed interior of reach in coolers soiled with accumulated old food debris. Observed interior of ice machine soiled with black substance. Observed potato peeler soiled with black substance.”

“Hand wash sink used for purposes other than hand washing. Observed plastic container stored inside hand sink at servers station.”

“Water with a temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink. Observed hot water at 80F at hand washing sink next to 3 compartment sink. Ran water, 3 minutes. Observed no hot water available when valve is open at server’s station.”






“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed in the kitchen: 1 live roach crawling on the floor in the from underneath the prep sink, 3 live roaches crawling inside a bucket with clean forks and knives, approximately 12+ live roaches crawling inside a small garbage can neat to the four door stand up reach in cooler by the exit and approximately 8+ live roaches crawling on the floor underneath and on the wall by the same small garbage can, and at the front counter: 2 live roaches crawling on the floor nearby the ice machine.”

“Roach excrement and/or droppings present. Observed on top of the dishwasher: approximately 10+ roach droppings.”

“Dead roaches on premises. Prep area, bottom shelf of a prep table: 3 dead roaches on a lid of a container with shortening for tamales stored inside, approximately 20+ dead roaches on the floor underneath the dishwasher, employee restroom by the three compartment sink: 4 dead roaches on the floor by the toilet, approximately 10+ dead roaches underneath the flip-top reach in cooler by the exit from the kitchen, approximately 19+ dead roaches on the floor at the exit door in the kitchen, approximately 6 dead roaches on the floor behind the four door reach in cooler by the cook line, front counter: 2 dead roaches on the sliding door reach in freezer.”

“Tracking powder pesticide used inside establishment. Observed throughout the kitchen, powder alongside the walls, underneath prep tables and cooking equipment.”

“Shell eggs not stored at an ambient air temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit or less. Walk in cooler: raw shell eggs (51F - ambient temperature ). As per operator, was on the counter top by the steam table, 20 minutes before the inspection, employee placed into the walk in cooler. Inspector observed ice buildup on the unit, advised operator to put the raw shell eggs on ice or inside a working unit. Operator moved the raw shell eggs to a reach in cooler inside the kitchen.”

“Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine at the front counter.”

“Accumulation of debris on exterior of ware washing machine. Observed roach excrement on top of the dish machine.”

“Buildup of food debris/soil residue on equipment door handles. Walk in cooler door and the standup reach in cooler by the cook line.”

“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Walk in cooler: cheese (53F - Cold Holding). As per operator, stored inside the walk in cooler overnight.”






“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed approximately 10 or more live flies at dry storage area in aisle way next to employee restroom flying around canned goods and sealed condiments Observed approximately 10 or more live flies flying around empty cardboard boxes by storage shelf in between standing reach in coolers. Operator threw away boxes and started cleaning area.”

“Observed Hand-wash sink located at prep area not accessible for employee with garbage can in front of sink and shrimp in bucket on floor blocking sink.”

“Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit based upon minimum required cooking temperature. Observed raw chicken, raw seafood scallops, wonton wraps, French fries imitation crab meats all nixed in together in standing reach in freezer next to dry storage area.”

“Raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Observed raw chicken skewers stored over cooked sauce in standing Electrolux reach in cooler at prep area.”

“Raw animal food stored over or with ready-to-eat food in a freezer - not all products commercially packaged. Observed raw chicken prepped in skewer for not packaged stored over egg roll wrappers in standing reach in Frigidaire freezer. Observed raw chicken stored over spring roll shelf in standing freezer at prep area. Observed raw chicken skewers in plastic wrap stored over cut onions in standing reach in cooler Observed raw chicken stored over uncovered bamboo shoots in can in reach in cooler at cook line.

“Raw animal food stored over or with unwashed produce. Observed raw chicken stored over uncovered bag of Napa cabbage in standing reach in cooler. Observed raw beef over shredded bag carrots in standing reach in cooler at prep area. Observed raw chicken stored over boxed bean sprouts in standing Electrolux cooler at prep area.”

“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Cooked/heated time/temperature control for safety food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within 6 hours. Observed cooked noodles per operator cooked 8pm on 3/22 at 51F - Cooling). Product not cooled to 41°F within 6 hours.”

“Observed soya sauce, sweet and sour sauce, onions, shrimp in bucket, gallons of oil stored on floor in prep area. Observed gallons of oil, rice soaking in water in bucket, and chicken in standing water in bucket on floor at cook line.”

“Buildup of food debris/soil residue on reach in cooler at cook line door handles and gasket’s.”

“Food-contact surface not cleaned and sanitized between contact with different raw animal products. Observed food contact surfaces prep table, cook line at prep line and cook line not being sanitized between cooking raw chicken, raw beef, raw chicken dumplings, vegetables at cook line. No sanitizing solution set up throughout establishment. Inspector showed operator how to set up sanitizing solution.”

“Non-food grade paper/paper towel used as liner for food container. Observed torn ends of flour bags used to line chopped scallion, green peppers in standing reach in cooler at prep line. Observed paper towels used to line cooked egg rolls cooked chicken in standing reach in snacks plus cooler at prep line.”


16772 SW 88TH STREET





“Dead roaches on premises. Observed 1 dead roaches inside rice scoop holster and 1 dead roach inside hand washing sink. Operator removed dead roaches, clean, and sanitized both the holster and hand washing sink.”

“Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed inside of ice machine soiled.”

“Wall soiled with accumulated grease, food debris, and/or dust. Observed wall soiled near rice cookers and throughput kitchen. Repeat Violation.”

“Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed Bean sprouts (72F - Cold Holding) at room temperature at preparation table next to reach in freezer, as per operator, 30 minutes. Two door reach in cooler next to rice cooker: Raw beef (47F - Cold Holding) As per operator, less than 2 hours; Short ribs (46F - Cold Holding) As per operator, less than 2 hours. Operator moved bean sprouts to reach cooler for rapid cooling and reduced unit ambient temperature. Repeat Violation.”

“Raw animal food stored in same container as ready-to-eat food. Observed raw beef stored inside plastic bag in same container as cooked tripe. Operator removed cooked tripe from container.”

“Food stored on floor. Observed water and vegetable oil stored on floor at hallway. Sugar and msg stored on floor at dry storage area. Operator moved sugar and msg off floor.”

About the Author
Jeff Weinsier headshot

Jeff Weinsier joined Local 10 News in September 1994. He is currently an investigative reporter for Local 10. He is also responsible for the very popular Dirty Dining segments.


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