Roaches in ice machine among violations found at South Florida steakhouse

Sunrise restaurant previously featured on Food Network ordered shut

BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. – Below is a list of places that were ordered shut last week by inspectors with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

According to state records, there were no establishments ordered shut last week in Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys.

All the places mentioned were allowed to re-open following an ordered cleanup and re-inspection.






“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed one live roach crawling on can opener blade at prep area. Observed one live roach crawling on pastry flour container with flour inside container at prep area. Observed 1 live roach crawling on door next to prep shelf. Observed 1 live roach crawling on cutting board on prep table. Observed 2 live roaches crawling inside to go cups stored on top of standing reach in freezer.”

“Dead roaches on premises. Observed approximately 75 or more dead roaches throughout kitchen area, prep area, dish machine are, beside ice machine, mixer, dry storage area, under shelf, cook line too many to count. Observed 3 dead roaches in ice bin machine with ice being served to guest in kitchen area. Observed 31 dead flies including roaches or more in light shields above dry storage area, reach in cooler.”

“Stop Sale issued due to food not being in a wholesome, sound condition. Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed 3 dead roaches in ice bin machine.”

“Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed 3 dead roaches in ice bin machine. See Stop Sale on ice.”

“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed TCS foods made from September 25th held overnight in cooler above 41°F shredded chicken (47F - Cold Holding); raw chicken (55F - Cold Holding); hot sauce with garlic and oil (56F - Cold Holding); precooked ribs (50F - Cold Holding); meat seasoning with garlic and oil (50F - Cold Holding); seafood cream mix (50F - Cold Holding); beans (50F - Cold Holding). Observed meats in colder at cook line above 41°F per operator placed in cooler from 11am above 41°F for more than 4 hours first temperature 4:52pm pork raw (47F - Cold Holding); raw beef (48F - Cold Holding); raw steak (48F - Cold Holding); pork sausage (44-47F - Cold Holding).”

“Ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. Observed TCS foods and marinated chicken from September 25th not date marked shredded chicken (47F - Cold Holding); raw chicken (55F - Cold Holding); hot sauce with garlic and oil (56F - Cold Holding); precooked ribs (50F - Cold Holding); meat seasoning with garlic and oil (50F - Cold Holding); seafood cream mix (50F - Cold Holding); beans (50F - Cold Holding).”

“In-use ice scoop for ice machine located outside not stored in a protected manner between uses. Observed ice scoop on ice ledge unprotected.”

“Required employee training expired for all employees.”







“Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Observed approximately 10 or more rodent droppings under soda boxes and CO2 tanks in dry storage area located beside walk in freezer and shelves with condiments. Operator washed floors and removed rodent droppings from surrounding area.”

“Dead roaches on premises. Observed approximately 10 roaches on floor at in door bar area under equipment. Observed. Approximately ten or more dead roaches throughout dining room area. Under booths Observed 2 dead roaches at desert area under equipment Observed 1 dead roach inside standing reach in cooler stored with cooked rice and prepped beef kabob in kitchen area. Operator I cleaned and sanitized areas and removed dead roaches.”

“Food with mold-like growth. See stop sale. Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed interior of ice machine with mold like substance dripping in ice.”

“Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed interior of ice machine with mold like substance dripping in ice.”

“Accumulation of dead or trapped birds, insects, rodents, or other pests, in control devices. Observed 6 sticky fly traps throughout kitchen area with over 50 per device or more dead flies attached to each device. Operator discarded devices from kitchen area.”

“Insect control device installed over food preparation area. Observed insect control device installed over microwave and baskets for guest.”

“Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Observed cutting board, soda water nozzles at bar area with mold like substance.. Observed soda nozzles of soda machine located in dining area with buildup mold like substance. Observed prep sink at kitchen area soiled with grease build up.”

“Hand wash sink used for purposes other than hand washing. Observed hand washing sink located at prep area used as a dump sink for draining water from cooked beef.”

About the Author
Jeff Weinsier headshot

Jeff Weinsier joined Local 10 News in September 1994. He is currently an investigative reporter for Local 10. He is also responsible for the very popular Dirty Dining segments.


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