Rodent, roaches, slime force Miami-Dade restaurant closure

(Google Maps)

Below is a list of places that were ordered shut last week by inspectors with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

According to state records, no restaurant kitchens were ordered shut in the Florida Keys last week.

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ALL the places listed below have been allowed to re-open following an ordered cleanup and re-inspection.


1925 NE 163RD STREET





“Observed one dead rodent in between tube connections underneath of the stove.”

“Observed 5 live roaches inside a box located under hand wash sink located next to three compartment sink, 2 live roach crawling on kitchen floor.”

“Observed 3 dead roaches at dining area floor, 5 dead roaches under three compartment sink, 4 dead roaches under dishwasher machine.”

“Observed 10+ roach droppings underneath of steam table.”

“Raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Observed raw shell eggs over cooked rice inside reach in cooler. Operator properly stored it.”

“Shell eggs in use or stored with cracks or broken shells. See stop sale.”

“Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed shrimp (46°F - Cold Holding); calamari (47°F - Cold Holding); Beef (46° F - Cold Holding); ribs (60°F - Cold Holding); shrimp (55°F - Cold Holding); dumplings (50°F - Cold Holding)for less than 4 hours as per operator, operator placed the food items inside the walk in cooler.”

“Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime.”

“Hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. Observed hand wash sink blocked by reach in freezer at the kitchen.”

“Buildup of food debris/soil residue on equipment door handles. Fryer, Observed microwave, oven soiled.”






“Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Approximately 40 rodent droppings on shelving of the back room open to the kitchen adjacent to prep table and fryer.”

“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. 1 live roach in hand washing sink by the service line. 2 live roaches in the the kitchen by the stove. 1 live roach by the three compartment sink on the wall. 1 live roach on lower shelf of the storage room. Operator killed and begin removing roaches.”

“Dead roaches on premises. 3 dead roach on the shelving of storage room with opening to the kitchen. 3 dead roaches behind the ice machine in the kitchen. 3 dead roaches of the top shelf of back storage room with opening adjacent to kitchen.”

“Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin.”

“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. 2 live flies on an open bag of breading mix and 1 live fly on open bag of sugar in storage room with opening into the kitchen. **Repeat Violation**.”

“Raw animal food stored over or with ready-to-eat food in a freezer - not all products commercially packaged. Raw Philly over hot dog in reach in freezer. Reviewed proper storage and operator stored items properly.”

“Hole in or other damage to wall. Hole under 3 compartment sink and above it. Hole in the storage room by the kitchen. Hole in the back storage room across from kitchen.”

“Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. GLASS DOOR COOLER- Chicken broth (49F - Cold Holding); Cheese (49F - Cold Holding). Operator moved to another reach in to quick chill. Observed ice accumulation by the circulation fan. Advised operator to refrain from using unit until such time all TCS items are maintained at 41F or below.”

“Ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. Cooked rice in reach in cooler in prep area per operator prepared 3 days ago not labeled.”







“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Walk in cooler ; cooked Cow feet; (54F); cooked pork ; (49F); cooked bean sauce (50F); butter packets (50F) held overnight per chef. See stop sale. Food being cooled by non-approved method as evidenced by inadequate rate of cooling during time of inspection. cooked chicken at 2 pm ; (62F- 63F )cooling since 12:30pm retested 4pm 57F-58F cooling at this rate cooling will not be met . Foods cooling in large bus pan inside walk in cooler. WIC ambient at 52 °F.”

“Stop Sale issued due to adulteration of food product. 1 Dead fly inside curacao bottle in bar. Operator discarded bottle.”

“Raw peppers with mold-like growth.”

“Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit based upon minimum required cooking temperature.”

“Raw chicken over raw beef inside walk in freezer.  Raw shrimp over fries inside reach in freezer in storage room.”

“Raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Raw fish stored over ready to eat cooked chicken on prep table in kitchen.”

“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. 1 live , small flying insect flying around in ware washing area. 4 live, small flying insects flying over container of raw fish in prep area. 2 live , small flying insects landed on top container where raw fish is being held and under preparation stage. 1 live, small flying insect landed on top of outer lid of to go sauce container. 2 live, small flying inspects flying around in bar area. At end of inspection no live ,small flying insects observed. Operator killed cleaned and sanitized area during inspection.”

“Insect control device installed over food preparation area. Bug zapper over prep table in wait station. No foods present at time of inspection.”

“6 dead flies on top shelf in bar. Operator cleaned and sanitized shelf during inspection. 1 dead fly inside blue curacao alcohol bottle in bar. Operator discarded bottle.”

“Clean glasses, cups, bowls, plates, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner in ware washing area and prep station.”

“Dish machine not sanitizing properly. Discontinue use of dish machine for sanitizing and set up manual sanitization until dish machine is repaired and sanitizing properly. Dish machine at 0 ppm chlorine. Operator placed sign- out of order. Equipment needs line and chemical.”

“Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Flip top cooler/ reach in cooler ; pickles(57F); cut Lettuce (51F); heavy cream (48F),meat sauce (48F). Per chef held under 2 hours ago , operator moved to walk in cooler for quick chill. * corrective action taken*. Prep station ; Cooked plantains (88F )under no temperature control ; raw fish (78F) on batter under no temperature control, chef stated held under 2 hours ago, operator moved to walk in cooler to quick chill. *Corrective action taken.* Raw beef 70F room temperature in prep station held under 4 hours ago per chef. Operator moved to walk in freezer to quick chill.* corrective action taken*. Walk in cooler ; cooked Cow feet; (54F); cooked pork ; (49F); cooked bean sauce (50F); butter packets (50F) held overnight per chef.”

“Time/temperature control for safety food, other than whole meat roast, hot held at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Above steam table meat balls (107F - Hot Holding), fried plantains 124 F ( hot holding ), cooked goat 125 ( hot holding) , beef and vegetables 113F ( hot holding )under 4 hours ago per chef. Operator move to stove to be reheated to 165F or above.”

“Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Food processor blade soiled on shelf with clean dishes. Operator moved to be washed rinsed and sanitize.”

“Hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times in ware washing area with pots and pans. Operator moved pots and pans and made hand sink accessible.”

“Required employee training expired for all employee.”

About the Author
Jeff Weinsier headshot

Jeff Weinsier joined Local 10 News in September 1994. He is currently an investigative reporter for Local 10. He is also responsible for the very popular Dirty Dining segments.


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