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North Miami Beach La Granja, Miami Church’s Chicken ordered shut last week

Below is a list of places that were ordered shut last week by inspectors with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

All the places mentioned below were allowed to re-open following an ordered cleanup and re-inspection.

According to state records, no restaurant kitchens were ordered shut in Broward and Monroe counties last week.


1901 NE 163RD STREET




“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed 1 live roach between the plastic panel and the wall located in the back area of the kitchen and 1 live roach on the wall at the dry storage room.”

“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed in the dry storage approximately 10+ live flies on top of the rotten vegetables debris that are located underneath a double reach in cooler where the compressor is located, 8+ live flies on top of the onions located inside a container located on the dry storage shelf, 6+ flies on the wall in the back area of the kitchen.”

“Food stored on floor. Observed raw chicken inside plastic container on walk in cooler floor. Operator properly stored it.”

“Cooked poultry not reaching a minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed operator placed chicken breast from the grill to customers plate with temperature of (130°F - Cooking). Operator placed the chicken breast back to the grill and cooked at 170°F.”

“Time/temperature control for safety food, other than whole meat roast, hot held at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed sweet plantain (124°F - Hot Holding)on steam table for less than 4 hours as per operator, operator reheated at 168°F.”






“Hole in or other damage to wall. First floor kitchen, nearby a a wheeled hot holding box, holes in the wall with live roaches crawling in and out. Also observed the frp not attached to the wall behind the hot holding box.”

“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. First floor kitchen, nearby a a wheeled hot holding box with cooked rice, black beans, and cooked beef for the customers: 2 live roaches crawling on the floor. Observed in the same area, first floor kitchen: approximately 7+ live roaches crawling on and inside the holes of the wall.”

“Dead roaches on premises. First floor kitchen, nearby a wheeled hot holding box with cooked rice, black beans, and cooked beef for the customers: 5 dead roaches on the floor underneath the wheeled hot holding box.”

“Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit based upon minimum required cooking temperature. Observed on the first floor kitchen, stand up reach in cooler: raw chicken stored above raw beef. Discussed with the operator and provided proper storage of food. Observed operator place the raw beef on a higher shelf.”

“Bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food. Second floor: bowl no handle stored inside storage container with rice.”

“No currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling.”


1985-1987 SW 8TH STREET




“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed approximately in the kitchen: 9+ live roaches on the kitchen wall and between shelves’ crevices next to the cook line where clean plates are stored, 7 live roaches in the 3-comp sink, 2 live roaches inside the hand wash sink.”

“Interior of oven/microwave has accumulation of black substance/grease/food debris. Observed inside the oven with accumulation of grease.”

“Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Kitchen shelves. Repeat Violation.”

“Plumbing system in disrepair. Kitchen hand wash sink has no water on the hot water line.”

“Certified Food Manager or person in charge lacks knowledge of food borne illnesses and symptoms of illness that would prevent an employee from working with food, clean equipment and utensils, and single-service items. Repeat Violation.”

“Water with a temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink. Kitchen hand wash sink, no water on the hot water line. Repeat Violation.”







“Raw sewage on ground of establishment. Observed sewage coming up from floor drain in the front kitchen prep/ pack area also Observed sewage water in the parking lot.”

“Sewage/wastewater backing up through sinks. Observed sewage back-up in the mop sink in the restroom.”

“Stored food not covered. Observed container of Mac n cheese in the walk in cooler without covering. Operator added cover.”

“Only means for public to access the bathroom is through a food preparation, ware washing, or food storage area.”






“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed 1 live roach crawling on the walk-in cooler door frame located at the back of the establishment.”

“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed approximately 17+ flies flying around the kitchen and next to clean aluminum pots, not touching food. Observed approximately 40+ flies flying around cases of food stored inside the storage area landing over 6 cases of raw potatoes.”

“Food-contact surfaces not sanitized after cleaning, before use. Do not use equipment/utensils not properly sanitized. Observed approximately 20+ aluminum kitchen pans soiled with food debris stored over a shelf. As per operator, employees cleaned kitchen pans with paper towel after using and stored over the shelf for next day use.”

“Cutting board has cut marks and is no longer cleanable. Observed cutting boards no longer cleanable used over preparation table located inside the kitchen next to the ware washing area.”

“Floor area(s) covered with standing water. Located inside the kitchen underneath preparation tables and next to walk-in cooler and walk-in freezer. Observed standing water inside the walk-in cooler.”

“Floor soiled/has accumulation of debris. Observed accumulation of food debris on the floor underneath cook equipment. Observed food debris and cigarette butts on the floor inside the storage room located at the back of the establishment, next to ware washing area. Observed floor soiled with food debris inside the walk-in cooler located at the back of the establishment.”

“Food stored in a room/shed that is not fully enclosed. Chain lint as a barrier Observed 13 crates filled with raw potatoes, 6 cases of potatoes, 2 cases of beef, 2 cases of cabbage stored next to 11 large containers of garbage, and 1 triple glass door reach-in cooler with gallons of milk, sausages, ground beef and ham in the interior, stored in a storage area with chain lint and wooden fence as a barrier, not fully enclosed.”

“Hole in or other damage to wall. Observed a hole in the wall located inside the storage room at the back of the establishment where clean pots and pans are stored.”

“Openings to the outside for equipment, such as ventilation fans, not screened or otherwise protected when the equipment is not in operation. Ventilation fan missing the screen located inside the kitchen at the ware washing area. Repeat Violation.”

“Outer openings not protected during operation and vermin and/or environmental cross contamination present. Observed window located inside the storage room located at the back of the establishment without screening protection.”

“Cooked/heated time/temperature control for safety food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within 6 hours. Observed inside the walk-in cooler: cooked ground beef (48°F - Cooling); cooked chicken (49°F - Cooling); cooked pork (48°F - Cooling). As per operator beef, chicken and pork were cooked the day before and stored inside the walk-in cooler overnight.”

“Cooked/heated time/temperature control for safety food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit within two hours and from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within six hours. See stop sale. Observed inside the walk-in cooler: cooked ground beef (48°F - Cooling); cooked chicken (49°F - Cooling); cooked pork (48°F - Cooling). As per operator beef, chicken and pork were cooked the day before and stored inside the walk-in cooler overnight.”

“Food-contact surfaces not sanitized after cleaning, before use. Do not use equipment/utensils not properly sanitized. Observed approximately 20+ aluminum kitchen pans soiled with food debris stored over a shelf. As per operator, employees cleaned kitchen pans with paper towel after using and stored over the shelf for next day use.”

“Time/temperature control for safety food, other than whole meat roast, hot held at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed inside the steam table located at the front counter area: cooked chicken (98°F - Hot Holding, reheated to 165°F); cooked scrambled eggs (131°F - Hot Holding , reheated to 165°F); cooked fish (103 °F - Hot Holding, reheated to 165°F). As per operator less than 4 hours. Operator reheated scrambled eggs, fish and chicken during the inspection. Observed inside of a warmer located at the front counter area: cod fish croquettes (108°F - Hot Holding, reheated to 165°F); yucca stuffed with beef (111°F - Hot Holding, reheated to 165°F). As per operator less than 4 hours. Operator reheated croquettes and yucca stuffed with beef during the inspection. Repeat Violation.”

About the Author
Jeff Weinsier headshot

Jeff Weinsier joined Local 10 News in September 1994. He is currently an investigative reporter for Local 10. He is also responsible for the very popular Dirty Dining segments.


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