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Rodent issues inside catering company? That’s not kosher!

8 Broward kitchens ordered shut last week

Below is a list of places ordered shut last week in Broward County by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

According to state records, no restaurant kitchens in Miami-Dade or Monroe counties were ordered shut last week.

All the places mentioned were allowed to re-open following an ordered clean-up and re-inspection.







“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. 1 live roach on drink dispenser machine in prep area 1 live roach inside unused drink dispenser machine in prep area 2 live roach on wall next to walk in cooler in kitchen 1 live roach on back door wall in kitchen 1 live roach crawling into box of paper towels on kitchen floor 1 live roach on wall next to reach in cooler in kitchen 1 live roach on wall behind espresso machine at cook line 1 live roach on bus cart in dining room 2 live roaches behind portable AC unit in dining room 1 live roach inside takeout freezer in dining room 3 live in unused flip top cooler in dining room 1 live roach above bathroom door in dining room 1 live roach on top of reach in freezer in kitchen 3 live on floor at front door in dining room 1 live roach crawling down power cord on windowsill in dining room 8 live roaches on wall between prep area and kitchen 1 live roach under unused steam table in prep area 2 live roach on back of steam table in prep area.”

“Dead roaches on premises. 3 dead roaches on prep table in kitchen 1 dead roach on wall next to ice machine in kitchen 3 dead roaches on floor in front of walk in cooler in kitchen 4 dead roaches on floor behind oven in prep area 6 dead roaches on floor behind mixer in prep area 3 dead roaches under espresso machine at cook line 2 dead roaches on floor behind front counter 3 dead roaches on dining room floor 1 dead roach on windowsill at front door 1 dead roach in gasket of walk in cooler 1 dead roach inside cake display at front counter 5 dead roaches in side light shield at front counter.”

“Stop Sale issued due to food not being in a wholesome, sound condition. Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. 6 flying insects crawling in container of dried chili peppers.”

“Food stored on floor. Tomatillos, onions, and jalapeños stored on floor in prep area.”

“Raw animal food stored over or with unwashed produce. Raw pork over cucumbers in walk in cooler.”

“Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation. Employee behind cook line **Repeat Violation**.”

“Hand wash sink used for purposes other than hand washing. Used to store buckets. HWS on cook line.”






“Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. 1. Observed 5 rodent droppings on the floor behind a hot holding cart and storage table holding cooking utensils. 2. Observed 6 rodent droppings on the floor between the Atosa 2 door cooler and the 6 burner oven. 3. Observed 6 rodent droppings on the floor between the M3 Reach-in freezer and the Atosa 2 door cooler. 4. Observed 2 rodent droppings on the floor near the chest ice cream freezer and bulk food storage bins. 5. Observed over 20 rodent droppings on the floor under a two door freezer that is not running in the front area of the kitchen. 6. Observed over 10 rodent droppings on the floor under the left and right Yukon 2 door freezers. 7. Observed 1 rodent dropping on the base board behind a storage rack holding clean pots and pans. 8. Observed 1 rodent dropping on top of a small stack of lumber in the back hallway of the kitchen. 9. Observed over 20 rodent droppings on the floor in a storage room under a storage cart holding liquor and under a shelf holding cleaning supplies. 10. Observed over 10 rodent droppings in a mop sink in the rear storage area of the establishment. 11. Observed over 100 rodent droppings in a the rear storage area of the establishment in a corner under an unused dish machine. The storage room is for storage of utensils, flatware, dish ware, and other catering supplies.”

“Rodent burrow. Observed a hole in the wall at floor level under the hand wash sink near the cooking line with chewing or gnawing marks around the perimeter.”

“Accumulation of black mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed the substance on the upper left and right sides, not in contact with the ice. Operator protected the ice and cleaned and sanitized the areas.”

“Raw animal food stored over or with ready-to-eat food in a freezer - not all products commercially packaged. Observed in the M3 Turbo Freezer, chicken not in original packaged stored above bread dough. Operator rearranged items for proper storage.”

“Hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. Observed the hand sink in the front kitchen blocked by hot holding carts and with disposable food pans stored on it. Operator removed the pans and moved the carts.”






“Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Main kitchen reach in cooler at exit door-observed 12 rodent droppings behind reach in cooler.”

“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Main kitchen reach in cooler at exit door- observed 1 live roach crawling on reach in cooler door.”

“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Main kitchen prep area at 3 compartment sink- observed 6 flies flying insects flying around and landing on cooked turkey and cooked beans and rice. - main kitchen exit door- observed 4 flying insects on inside of exit door. Main kitchen prep table at hand washing sink- observed 3 flying insects flying and landing on cooked plantains, raw onions and cutting board.”

“Worn, torn and/or soiled floors/carpeting. Main kitchen reach cooler at exit door- observed floor heavy soiled with grease-like substance. -main kitchen- observed food and debris over entire floor.”






“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. - observed 2 live flying insect flying and landing on cooler with ice. -main kitchen at 3 compartment sink- observed 10 live flying insects flying inside trash can and landing on peppers inside case. -main kitchen at 3 compartment sink- observed 4 live flying insects flying around and inside dish machine. -front counter at reach in cooler- observed 6 live flying insects flying inside trash can. -main kitchen walk in cooler- observed 1 live flying insects flying around garlic and refried beans.”

“Dead roaches on premises. Dry storage room-observed 2 dead roaches on floor at cases of soda. -main kitchen at ice machine- observed 1 dead roach inside Hand washing sink. -main kitchen above 3 compartment sink- observed 1 dead roach inside ceiling light shield. -main kitchen above deep freezer-observed 4 dead roaches inside lighting shield.”

“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Walk in cooler-raw chicken breast (54°F); beef flank (53°F); shredded cheese (54°F); refried beans (54°F); beef and potatoes (53°F); whole shell eggs (51°F). Operator stated items was delivered yesterday and cooler is not working. Advised operator to to move all TCS Foods to working coolers. See Stop Sale.”


123 NE 20TH AVE




“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Approximately 25 live flies at scrape station at dish area at the end of the cook line in the kitchen Approximately 25 live flies at dirty bus tub stored under hand wash sink in dish area 5 live flies landing on clean cutting boards in dish area Approximately 10 live flies at soda dispenser boxes in dry storage area next to prep area in the kitchen Approximately 15 live flies on wall and ceiling at back exterior door next to prep area.”

“Required employee training expired for some employees.”






“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed over 5 small flies on the wall in the storage and ware washing area. Observed 1 small fly on the outside of a box of disposable food service gloves Observed over 10 small flies on boxes or single use cup lids, food service paper, and food service gloves on a storage rack. Observed over 20 small flies on boxes of cups and lids on a storage shelf above the 3 compartment sink. Observed over 15 small flies on the walls above the 3 compartment sink. Observed 5 small flies landing inside of cups on the storage shelf above the three compartment sink. Operator instructed to destroy cups. Observed over 10 small flies on the walls and storage cabinet around the soda fountain in the front area of the restaurant. Employees began killing the flies and cleaning and sanitizing the area.”

“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed in the walk-in cooler, teriyaki chicken (48°F - Cold Holding); steak (47°F - Cold Holding); meatballs (47°F - Cold Holding); provolone cheese (47°F - Cold Holding); shredded jack cheddar cheese (48°F - Cold Holding); cheese flatbread (47°F - Cold Holding); mozzarella cheese (47°F - Cold Holding); turkey (47°F - Cold Holding); ham (46°F - Cold Holding); Swiss cheese (47°F - Cold Holding); American cheese (47°F - Cold Holding); tomatoes (48°F - Cold Holding); shredded mozzarella cheese (49°F - Cold Holding). Per the person in charge all items were stored in the cooler since yesterday.”

“Certified Food Manager or person in charge lacks knowledge of food borne illnesses and symptoms of illness that would prevent an employee from working with food, clean equipment and utensils, and single-service items.”

“Hand wash sink used for purposes other than hand washing. Observed a sanitizer bucket stored in the hand wash sink at the front counter. Employee removed the bucket.”






“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed 1 live on wall behind reach in cooler in kitchen. 1 live roach on wall behind ice machine 1 live roach behind prep table in kitchen next to ice machine . 1 live roach on kitchen floor under preparation table. Operator killed and sanitized area.”

“Dead roaches on premises. Observed: 7 dead roaches observed under register counter at front counter. Front counter located away from kitchen. 10 dead roaches inside ice machine. Ice machine off due to clean up. Ice machine located inside kitchen. 6 dead roaches behind microwave on prep table in kitchen. 4 dead roaches behind reach in cooler located inside kitchen. 3 dead inside bathroom vents. Instructed operator to removed dead roaches and sanitized area.”

“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. 1 live fly flying inside kitchen not landing on food. Operator killed and sanitized area.”

“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Cooked/heated time/temperature control for safety food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within 6 hours. Reach in cooler: cooked turkey 56° . Per operator foods were cooked yesterday and placed in the reach in cooler to cool. Food in unit were not portion, prepared or pull this morning. See stop sale. Time/temperature control for safety food reheated for hot holding not reaching 165 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds within 2 hours. Stove: White rice 69°, mix rice 72°, legumes 74° at 11:30 ( reheating since 10am) to 94° at 12:30 Operator placed to reheat at 10am. Observed stove off. Foods are placed to reheat inside deep containers.”

“Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Preparation table in kitchen with food debris behind microwave and shelves. Operator cleaned.”

“Manager or person in charge lacking proof of food manager certification.”

“No currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling.”







“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Main kitchen at exit door- observed approximately 15 flying insects flying land landing on whole cabbage. Flying insects are inside container and coming out container. - observed 1 live flying insect flying over and landing inside cooked beans and rice. Open stated that rice will be discarded. -observed 1 live flying insect flying over red snapper fish.”

“Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Main kitchen prep table storage rack- observed spray bottle of flying insect killer next to seasoning and plantains.”

“Food not stored at least 6 inches off of the floor. Main kitchen at stove- observed pot of cooked beans being stored on the floor.”

“Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Main kitchen prep table at 3 compartment sink- observed cutting board soiled. - observed vita mix blended soiled. -observed clean pot lids soiled. -walk in cooler- observed container of marinated chicken soiled.”

“Nonfood-grade containers used for food storage - direct contact with food. Main kitchen at stove- observed thank you grocery bag inside pot of plantains hot holding. - observed pot of rice cooking wrap in trash bag.”

“Stored food not covered. Main kitchen dry storage rack at walk in cooler- on bowl of open raw rice with no covering being stored under chemical spray bottles.”

About the Author
Jeff Weinsier headshot

Jeff Weinsier joined Local 10 News in September 1994. He is currently an investigative reporter for Local 10. He is also responsible for the very popular Dirty Dining segments.


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