Below is a list of places ordered shut last week by inspectors with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
According to state records, no restaurant kitchens were ordered shut in Miami-Dade or Monroe counties last week.
All the places mentioned were allowed to re-open following an ordered clean up and re-inspection.
“Dead rodent present on the floor in corner outside the walk-in freezer and next to a storage shelf containing single use items and spices. Operator removed the rodent and cleaned and sanitized the area.”
“Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Observed approximately 10 rodent droppings on the floor on either side of a shelf in a dry storage area outside of the walk-in freezer. The shelf contained single use items and spices. Operator removed droppings and cleaned and sanitized the area.”
“Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed on the ice making mechanism with water running over it and into the mechanism.”
“Stop Sale issued due to food not being in a wholesome, sound condition. Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed on the ice making mechanism with water running over it and into the mechanism.”
“Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed in the walk-in cooler, beef (50°F - Cold Holding); chicken (48°F - Cold Holding); cooked rice (48°F - Cold Holding); butter (48°F - Cold Holding); cream cheese (48°F - Cold Holding); shell eggs (46-47°F - Cold Holding); tofu (47°F - Cold Holding); ambient (48-50°F - Cold Holding).”
“Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. 1. Observed in the walk-in cooler, beef (50°F - Cold Holding); chicken (48°F - Cold Holding); cooked rice (48°F - Cold Holding); butter (48°F - Cold Holding); cream cheese (48°F - Cold Holding); shell eggs (46-47°F - Cold Holding); tofu (47°F - Cold Holding); ambient (48-50°F - Cold Holding). Per the employee all items were held in the walk-in since yesterday. See stop sale. 2. Observed in the right side flip top cooler, shell eggs (48°F). Observed the eggs stored above the cold holding line of the unit. Per the operator the items were stocked for approximately 2 hours. Operator moved eggs to lower portion of the cooler to quick chill.”
“Dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength. Discontinue use of dish machine for sanitizing and set up manual sanitization until dish machine is repaired and sanitizing properly. Observed 0 ppm chlorine and machine pump no dispensing sanitizer. Operator set up 3 compartment sink for ware washing at 100ppm Chlorine.”
“Raw animal foods not properly separated from each other in holding unit based upon minimum required cooking temperature. Observed raw beef and raw chicken in the same pan with chicken above the beef. Items were stop sold for temperature violations.”
“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. 1. Observed several small flies around and landing on sauce cups stored on top of the beer keg refrigerator with tap handles. 2. Observed over 20 small flies on a bucket with soiled wiping cloths on the left side of the 3 compartment sink. Operator took the entire bucket outside of the restaurant. 3. Observed 3 small flies on a drain rack containing dish washing racks above the 3 compartment sink. 4. Observed over 20 small flies flying around and landing on packaged and canned food in the dry storage room.”
“Raw animal food stored over or with ready-to-eat food in a freezer - not all products commercially packaged. Observed repackaged chicken above nondairy dessert product. Operator rearranged for proper storage.”
“Raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Observed in the grill drawers, raw chicken over cooked chicken wings. Employee rearranged items for proper storage.”
“Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed in the left flip top cooler, Flip top cooler; cut romaine lettuce (49°F - Cold Holding); sliced tomatoes (49°F - Cold Holding); chimichurri with garlic (49°F - Cold Holding); beyond burger (52°F - Cold Holding); ambient temperature (59°F - Cold Holding). Per the employee all items were stocked in cooler 2 hours prior. All items moved to alternate refrigeration or placed on ice.”
“Dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength. Discontinue use of dish machine for sanitizing and set up manual sanitization until dish machine is repaired and sanitizing properly. Observed chlorine sanitizer at 0 ppm.”
“Proof of required state approved employee training not available for some employees.”
“Sewage/wastewater backing up through floor drains. Observed gray sewage water on floor though prep area where employees are walking back and forth to prep food. Observed gray sewage water on under cook line . Observed gray sewage water in women restroom.”
“Accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin. Observed mold like substance in ice machine.”
“Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. 1) Observed tuna (54°F - Cold Holding); eggs (51°F - Cold Holding) in flip top cooler at maki station. 2) Observed egg batter (52°F - Cold Holding) on cook line. 3) Observed calamari (54°F - Cold Holding); mix seafood (45°F) on cook line. Operator placed ice for quick chill. Operator placed in walk in cooler. 4) Observed mussels at 53°F in flip top cooler on cook line.”
“Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. 3 flying insect at triple sink in kitchen. Landing on clean utensils. Operator killed and cleaned area. *Corrected on site* 2 landing on wall at 3 compartment sink. 1 flying insect at front counter Hand wash sink at grill station.”
“Interior of oven/microwave has accumulation of food debris at microwave in kitchen. Operator cleaned.”
“Time/temperature control for safety food identified in the written procedure as a food held using time as a public health control has no time marking and the time removed from temperature control cannot be determined. See stop sale. Front counter: sliced cheese - in unit less than 2 hours.”
“Time/temperature control for safety food, other than whole meat roast, hot held at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Cook line: pork chop 83°. Observed food inside a plastic container at no temperature control. Food out of temp less than 4 hours. Operator reheated to 169°. Hot box : pork chop 124°, scrambled eggs 125° (hot holding) . Food in unit less than 2 hours. Observed unit temperature set at 140°. Operator set temp to 165°. All foods were made fresh today. Now temp 137° Cook line : sausage 124°. Observed at no temperature control at frying station. Foods in unit less than 30′. Operator reheated food on the grill to 150°.”
“Wiping cloth sanitizer solution exceeds the maximum concentration allowed. Kitchen: Chlorine sanitizing bucket 300ppm. Operator prepared new mix. Now 100ppm.”