A man inspects a burnt Russian tank in Dmytrivka, Kyiv region, Ukraine. Photo by Alexey Furman. (Getty Images)
As Russian forces start pulling out of Kyiv, world leaders are starting to call what’s been left behind a crime scene.
Bodies of citizens that have been uncovered in all the wreckage has been enough evidence for President Joe Biden and Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova to accuse Russia of committing war crimes.
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Meanwhile, refugees continue to pour into other countries such as Poland and England, with an estimated four million Ukrainian refugees leaving the country.
Here are some photos from the past week, copyright Getty Images.
Warning: Some photos below are graphic in nature.
Workers at a 'welcome hub' for arriving Ukrainians wait to guide people at St Pancras station in London, England. Photo by Dan Kitwood. (Getty Images)People, mainly women and children, pass through Przemysl train station in Poland after fleeing from war-torn Ukraine. Photo by Jeff J Mitchell. (Getty Images)Ukrainians and Belgians demonstrate in Place de la Monnaie against the war in Ukraine Brussels, Belgium. Photo by Thierry Monasse. (Getty Images)Burnt cars are seen in the parking lot of the Retroville trade center in Kyiv, Ukraine. Photo by Alexey Furman. (Getty Images)A territorial defense member takes pictures inside the destroyed Retroville trade center in Kyiv, Ukraine. Photo by Alexey Furman (Getty Images)Destroyed Retroville trade center in Kyiv, Ukraine. Photo by Alexey Furman. (Getty Images)A message on the LED Screen displays the word 'Peace' to indicate peace and sympathy with Ukraine ahead of the Serie A match between Juventus and FC Internazionale in Turin, Italy. (Photo by Marco Luzzani. (Getty Images)Makeshift graves of three civilians killed by Russian forces during the town's occupation are seen in a residential area in Trostyanets, Ukraine. Photo by Chris McGrath. (Getty Images)A territorial defense member signals to cars passing a checkpoint in Kyiv, Ukraine. Photo by Alexey Furman. (Getty Images)Family and friends mourn as Ukrainian soldier Dmitry Zhelisko is buried in Rusyn, Ukraine. Photo by Joe Raedle. (Getty Images)A funeral procession for Ukrainian soldier Dmitry Zhelisko makes its way to the cemetery in Rusyn, Ukraine. Photo by Joe Raedle. (Getty Images)Sergey Zhelisko holds the Ukrainian flag given to him during the burial of his son, Ukrainian soldier Dmitry Zhelisko in Rusyn, Ukraine. Photo by Joe Raedle. (Getty Images)Romanian and Ukrainian Red Cross volunteers offload humanitarian aid brought by the Romanian Red Cross in Tysmenytsya, Ukraine.Photo by Andreea Campeanu. (Getty Images)23 year-old Oleh Smolin, who sustained leg injuries from Russian shelling, recovers at a hospital in Chuhuiv, Ukraine. Photo by Chris McGrath. (Getty Images)A destroyed house, on April 2, 2022 in Dmytrivka, Kyiv region, Ukraine. Photo by Alexey Furman. (Getty Images)A dog walks past a destroyed house in Dmytrivka, Kyiv region, Ukraine. Photo by Alexey Furman. (Getty Images)