Never forgotten: 3 years later, remembering the school shooting tragedy in Parkland, in photos

Valentine’s Day this Sunday will mark three years since a gunman with an AR-15 rifle burst into a Florida high school, killing 17 people and wounding 17 others.

The horrific school shooting took place Feb. 14, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

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While the trial of the accused shooter, 22-year-old Nikolas Cruz, remains in limbo and unresolved, a lot of productivity has emerged -- for example, the March For Our Lives event. “Created by survivors, so you don’t have to be one,” as the website says.

Some of the Parkland survivors have gone on to become activists and push for change; for example, former student David Hogg speaking out against the NRA.

Below are some photos from Feb. 14, 2018, and the time that followed. Let us never forget the lives lost that day.

Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer initially hoped to begin Cruz’s trial in January 2020. That did not happen. Then everything was shut down when the coronavirus pandemic struck in mid-March. At last check, no trial date has been set. The next hearing is a status conference, conducted remotely like other such proceedings over the past several months, on Feb. 16.

With information from The Associated Press.


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