Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Dreams’ is gaining popularity, thanks to that hilarious now-viral TikTok

It’s a vibe

Fleetwood Mac’s classic hit “Dreams,” sung by the witchy Stevie Nicks, is having a breath of new life, thanks to a TikTok that recently went viral.

The TikTok in question, posted by @420doggface208, isn’t even that funny, but it is a “mood” or “vibe,” as the kids would say these days.

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Otherwise known as Nathan Apodaca, @420doggface208 posted a video of himself longboarding down a street and jamming out to the 1977 hit while drinking Ocean Spray Cran-Raspberry straight out of the container. He even lip syncs to part of the song.

It looks like he has not a care in the world.

He’s just enjoying life and jamming out to some Fleetwood Mac. How more perfect can it get?

The TikTok blew up on social media, and even Fleetwood Mac’s Twitter account took notice, and tweeted “We love this!” to all of its followers. Since then, the video has been viewed millions of times.

Fleetwood Mac is going to love it even more since the TikTok has introduced the song to users on the app, who are generally young and most likely unfamiliar with the song. Since going viral, the number of streams “Dreams” has gotten has almost doubled, and it’s looking like it might even re-enter the music charts.

As if this story couldn’t get any better, Fleetwood Mac’s drummer, Mick Fleetwood, recently joined TikTok so he could recreate the now famous video.

He’s jamming out to “Dreams” and is skateboarding with his Cran-Raspberry juice. It’s hilarious.


@420doggface208 had it right. Dreams and Cranberry just hits different. ##Dreams ##CranberryDreams ##FleetwoodMac

♬ Dreams (2004 Remaster) - Fleetwood Mac

It’s not clear if parents of Gen-Z’ers haven’t introduced their kids to the magic and wonder of Fleetwood Mac, but if we can learn anything from this, it’s that even the younger generations can still recognize good music when they hear it.

Now twirl, Stevie Nicks, twirl!

About the Author
Jack Roskopp headshot

Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.


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