
Miami-Dade County working to bring 'nuisance neighbor' into compliance

Neighbors concerned about people living in RVs on property Call Christina

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – One community is fed up with what they described as a nuisance neighbor.

When the Call Christina team visited the property, they witnessed a steady stream of people coming and going from the single family home, some of which said they were living in RVs parked behind the house.

"At first we didn't mind because it was just a few people," said Nilda Lopez. "But then we saw their occupants became larger and larger."

Neighbors who spoke with Local 10 News said it wasn't just the number of cars parked outside the Miami-Dade County home, or the number of people that concerned them, it was also the three RVs parked on property.

Lopez said one was hauled in with a tow truck. Neighbors began to suspect people were living in the RVs and they worried for their welfare.

When the Call Christina team visited the site, one woman told Local 10 News that she was paying rent to live in the RV and was not related to the property owner. 

Another man also confirmed he was living in an RV, and a third man said he was renting a room from the property owner.

After the Call Christina team contacted Miami-Dade County, the county dispatched inspectors who documented what appeared to be electric and water connections to the RVs.

In Miami-Dade County, you are allowed to park just one RV on property which must be "kept clean and presentable and in usable condition."

When parked on the property, the RV "cannot be used for living or sleeping quarters," the county explains on its website. "And (it) shall not be attached to any service connection lines except if periodic maintenance is required."

LINK: Miami-Dade County standards for residential recreational vehicles.

An owner can rent out the entire house in an RU-1 district (single-family zone), but not individual rooms. 

This would be considered a multi-family use, which is prohibited. 

According to property records, the home is owned by Elsa A. Valdes.

The property has a long violation case history.

A man who identified himself as the property owner's husband, Alberto, claimed the people living in the house were family members and said he "didn't know" if anyone was living in the RVs on the property.

He also said on camera that they planned to pay the outstanding liens and fines, which total more than $55,000. At last check, the liens have yet to be paid.

"We have moved forward with the County Attorney's Office with filing a civil injunction against the property owners to obtain compliance," said Miami-Dade County Neighborhood Compliance Officer Brenda Aaron, "Our main objective and goal is obtaining compliance in order to ensure the safety and security of the neighbors and the community."

"This is not an intention to hurt anybody,"  said Lopez. "We just want to feel secure."

Miami-Dade County officials told Local 10 News that if the people living in the RVs need assistance to relocate, they will put them in contact with the Homeless Trust.

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