Underaged 'Pothead Princess' purchased shots, margaritas before deadly crash

Receipt used as evidence in civil suit filed by victims' families

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – There are new details emerging about a woman's whereabouts hours before the crash when a driver allegedly slammed into another car on the Sawgrass Expressway as she was driving the wrong way.

Kayla Mendoza, the self proclaimed "pothead princess" was at a bar and restaurant drinking margaritas and tequila shots in the late evening in November 2013 before she crashed into a Toyota Camry, killing Marisa Catronio and Kaitlyn Ferrante.

A receipt from Tijuana Taxi Company in Coral Springs, which is part of a civil suit filed by the victim's families against Mendoza and Tijuana Taxi Company, showed that the then 20-year-old from Hallandale Beach paid for two margaritas and two shots of Patron Silver tequila.

The underage drinker was served between the hours of 10:15 p.m. and 1:26 a.m. on the night of the crash, Nov. 17, 2013. The bill's total was $65.78, which included a $15 tip.

Tijuana Taxi Company is being sued by the families of the two women killed. The suit alleges that the bar-restaurant "willfully sold or furnished alcoholic beverages to a minor not of the lawful drinking age."

The now infamous Tweet that Mendoza posted, "2 drunk 2 care" on Twitter showed up just hours before the 1:45 a.m. crash that killed the 21-year-old women.

Mendoza was arrested after the crash on charges of DUI manslaughter, vehicular homicide and driving without a license causing death.

The toxicology report for Mendoza showed that she had a blood-alcohol level of .15 percent, nearly twice the legal limit of .08 percent, and traces of marijuana in her system when her car slammed into the other car.

A few weeks before the crash, Mendoza, a T-Mobile sales associated, talked about her drug use on her Twitter account, firing off tweets about her car "permanently smelling like weed."

On Monday, she was arrested and booked into jail on charges related to the crash. She arrived at Broward Main Jail in a police-escorted ambulance and was wheeled inside on a stretcher because she is still unable to walk from the accident.


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