Meteor illuminates sky Tuesday night in Florida Keys

Tuesday marked final night of Lyrid meteor shower's visibility

PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – Is it a bird? Nope. Is it a plane? Not quite.

That flash of light many stargazers saw in the night's sky Tuesday in the Florida Keys was a meteor.

The meteor was captured on the dashboard camera of a Monroe County Sheriff's Office sergeant while he was on patrol in Big Pine Key.

It was one of several meteors to pass through the atmosphere over the last few nights.

Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, stargazers. Tuesday was the final night of the Lyrid meteor shower's visibility, Local 10 News meteorologist Jennifer Correa said.

But there are plenty of videos below of the meteor shower.

About the Author
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Peter Burke returned for a second stint of duty at Local 10 News in February 2014.


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