Trump calls Clinton, Obama founders of ISIS in Miami Beach speech

Republican presidential candidate speaks to home builders at Fontainebleau

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took some shots at President Barack Obama and his Democratic rival during a speech at the National Association of Home Builders board of directors meeting Thursday morning in Miami Beach.

"Home building is very close to my heart," Trump told the audience at the Fontainebleau.

Trump remarked about how his father got his start building homes.

"If you can build a home, you can build anything," Trump said.

Trump said home building leads to jobs, and he criticized regulations on the industry, calling them "horrible."

He also praised Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi, who were in attendance.

Trump's speech came a day after he spoke to supporters at the BB&T Center in Sunrise, where he was scrutinized for calling Obama the founder of the Islamic State.

He brought it up again Thursday, this time grouping Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton as a co-founder.

"ISIS will hand her the most valuable player award," Trump said. "Her only competition is Barack Obama."

About the Author

Peter Burke returned for a second stint of duty at Local 10 News in February 2014.

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