
Donald Trump cancels appearance at Versailles

Republican presidential candidate scraps Miami trip after Dallas shootings

MIAMI – Donald Trump has canceled a campaign event scheduled for Friday at Versailles, citing the police shootings in Dallas.

Trump planned to visit the famed Cuban restaurant ahead of a speech he was scheduled to give in Miami later in the day.

However, "due to the tragic events in Dallas," Trump canceled his trip, an email from his campaign said.

Trump also issued a statement about the shootings, calling it "an attack on our country."

"It is a coordinated, premeditated assault on the men and women who keep us safe," Trump's statement said. "We must restore law and order. We must restore the confidence of our people to be safe and secure in their homes and on the street. The senseless, tragic deaths of two motorists in Louisiana and Minnesota reminds us how much more needs to be done."

Five officers were killed and six others were injured by snipers during a peaceful protest of recent police shootings of black men. "Our nation has become too divided," Trump said.

"Too many Americans feel like they've lost hope. Crime is harming too many citizens. Racial tensions have gotten worse, not better. This isn't the American dream we all want for our children."

About the Author

Peter Burke returned for a second stint of duty at Local 10 News in February 2014.

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