PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. ā On Friday, Citizens announced it will provide a follow-up inspection, free of charge, to customers who disagree with the re-inspection findings.
It's the companies way of apologizing to outraged South Floridians who have been re-inspected.
"We admit we have not done the best we could in this program as it related to our education, communication and approach," said spokeswoman Christine Ashburn.
On Friday, Citizens announced it will provide a follow-up inspection, free of charge, to customers who disagree with re-inspection findings.
"If you dispute us for any reason and request a re-inspection, we will come back and re-inspect your home for up to 12 months with no cost to you," Ashburn said.
Citizens says they are also launching a broad-based communications initiative aimed at better educating policyholders and agents about the inspection process.
This will include web-based and direct mail educational materials.
If requested, Citizens will provide a free follow-up inspection for policyholders who upgrade their homes features within 12 months of an initial Citizens inspection or who disagree with inspection findings.
These follow-up inspections will also be provided for policyholders whose credits are removed due to lack of attic access and later are able to make access available.\
In addition, Citizens will suspend the removal of credits for a minimum of one year when the inspector is unable to gain access to the attic for any reason.
Citizens is also enhancing the dispute resolution process.
Policyholders wishing to dispute their re-inspection should call Citizens at 1-888-685-1555.